Getform x Github
Signup to Getform to create new Github issues from new Getform submissions! GitHub is a Git repository code hosting platform for version control and collaboration, and a social network platform made for developers. While Git is a command line tool, GitHub provides a Web-based graphical interface. Github lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. Github app is available for different devices as Github for mobile and Github desktop.
Getform is the most advanced form platform to collect data from online forms. Using Getform, you can build any type of form, start collecting submissions within seconds and send the data to over a thousand other services including Github for additional processing. It is also perfectly suitable to create static site generator forms on sites using NextJS, Nuxt, Gatsby, Jekyll or Github Pages.
Translating your form data into action can mean a ton of tedious messaging work. Getform-Github integration can help you by automatically generating a new GitHub issue when a new Getform feedback form submission is sent. You will always stay responsive to feedback instantly and effortlessly while managing your repository.