Getform x Intercom
Signup to Getform to connect your online form with Intercom
Intercom is a conversational relationship platform that allows you to personally communicate with your customers with targeted content, behavior-driven messages, and conversational support. All the Intercom products are built on the free Intercom system which lets you see who your users and visitors are and what they do in Intercom app and on your site.
Getform is the most advanced form platform to collect data from online forms. Using Getform, you can build any type of form, start collecting submissions within seconds and send the data to over a thousand other services including ForceManager for additional processing. It is also perfectly suitable to create static site generator forms on sites using NextJS, Nuxt, Gatsby, Jekyll or Github Pages.
Need to use your form as part of your customer support? Whenever anyone fills out a Getform contact form to get more info about your company, you can automatically send a support message on Intercom app for each Getform submission received to your form with Getform-Intercom integration.
datePublished: 2020-11-27 layout: integrations title: Getform x Coda subTitle: Coda image: thumbnail: /integrations/coda.svg